Mindful Walking at the Beach

Mindful Walking at the Beach

Take a few deep, even breaths and inhale the fresh, salty air. Breathe in any tensions or concerns. Breathe out calmness and relaxation. With every out breath you feel more and more relaxed. Is the beach stony or sandy? If it’s sandy take off your shoes and socks and feel the sand between your toes. Really focus on the feeling. Is the sand cool and wet or warm and dry? If stony then maybe sit down and pick up the pebbles and study them. Feel them in your hands and across your lips. What can you see? Is it cloudy or clear? Is the sky blue? What colour blue? Are there people and dogs or even horses on the beach? Can you see boats or birds? What else? Now lay down and rest with your eyes shut. Breathe slowly and evenly and just ‘be’. Enjoy this relaxing time, listening to the beachy sounds. I hope you have a wonderful seaside mindful experience.